BLOGS (Digitalisierung 360-Grad) (48)

Die Grosse Transformation21

Die Grosse Transformation21

Prof. Dr. Fredmund Malik

Simple, Electric, Honest – How VW Wants to Get Rid of the Cheating Image

Unter Anleitung des St. Gallener Management-Lehrers Fredmund Malik arbeitete die VW-Führung in Kleingruppen Ideen aus, schrieben sie auf Tafeln. Danach diskutierte die Gruppe eine Idee eine halbe Stunde lang, jeder musste versuchen, die Umstehenden dafür zu gewinnen. „Jeder Fachbereich bekam so einen 360-Grad-Blick für die Probleme und eine gemeinsam getragene Vorstellung, was passieren muss“, [...] The post Simple, Electric, Honest – How VW Wants to Get Rid of the Cheating Image appea...

DIGICON 2018—Speech by Prof. Fredmund Malik

Prof. Fredmund Malik gave a speech on "The Great Transformation21" at the DIGICON 2018. Participants from more than 200 companies attended his talk. DIGICON is an important meeting when it comes to forward-looking ideas and the latest developments in the field of digitization. In 2018, DIGICON in Munich was themed "Machine [...] The post DIGICON 2018—Speech by Prof. Fredmund Malik appeared first on Malik Management.

New edition by Springer publishing house “Visionäre von heute – Gestalter von morgen”—with an interview with Prof. Fredmund Malik

The electronic edition of the new book "Visionäre von heute - Gestalter von morgen" is now available. The book, edited by Dr. Alexandra Hildebrandt and Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Werner Neumüller, brings together approaches and perspectives of renowned personalities from business, society, science, culture and sport—people who can courageously deal with change and who have gained important [...] The post New edition by Springer publishing house “Visionäre von heute – Gestalter von morgen”—with an inter...

Creating the Future of Brainport Smart District

In 2017 the Malik Institute conducted a Malik Syntegration for Brainport Smart District. Brainport is a leading technology region in Europe, located in the Southeast Netherlands, with Eindhoven at its heart. This top technology region creates solutions for the societal challenges of tomorrow. The partners in the development of Brainport Smart District are dedicated to [...] The post Creating the Future of Brainport Smart District appeared first on Malik Management.

Understanding Economics Means Understanding debt

“Anyone who wishes to understand the financial crisis needs to understand what indebtedness means. Only by correctly understanding debt does it emerge how effective measures to combat the crisis could be and where the dangers of this crisis lie. The actual problem is not falling share and property prices, but rather indebtedness.” (in German) The post Understanding Economics Means Understanding debt appeared first on Malik Management.

Experten- und Marktplattformen
Cloud Computing

Technologie-Basis zur Digitalisierung

Sicherheit und Datenschutz

Vertrauen zur Digitalisierung


wichtige Schritte zur Digitalisierung

Digitale Transformation

Partner zur Digitalisierung


Grundlage zur Digitalisierung

Experten- und Marktplattformen
  • company
    Cloud Computing –

    Technologie-Basis zur Digitalisierung

  • company
    Sicherheit und Datenschutz –

    Vertrauen zur Digitalisierung

  • company
    Anwendungen –

    wichtige Schritte zur Digitalisierung

  • company
    Digitale Transformation

    Partner zur Digitalisierung

  • company

    Grundlage zur Digitalisierung

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